After pregnancy, do not do these things, can avoid fetal malformations

Today, with the liberalization of the three -child policy, more and more families have chosen fertility, accompanied by the slogan of eugenics, followed by more and more doubts about fertility.Especially about fetal health.Fetal malformation is one of the important aspects.

Many unexpected women often find that they are pregnant until they are hospitalized, and they have taken drugs before hospitalization. Therefore, they will be surprised and scared for pregnant women.The results of the pregnancy test are normal. If there is abnormalities, she will regret it.

Social high -speed development brings great convenience to life and also brings some inevitable negative effects.The proliferation of various food additives and the physical radiation brought by various electronic products will cause the human body to produce more or less real estate and have a subtle danger.For pregnant women, these "pollution" is the extremely important cause of the birth of malformations in this society.

Statistical analysis, the probability of fetal malformations is about three % today, and in recent years, the incidence of fetal malformations has increased significantly. Therefore, every family who intends to ask for a child attaches great importance to this and avoids themselves from themselves to avoid themselves.This happened.

So, what should I do before and after pregnancy to avoid fetal malformations?The following points are important!

1. Avoid contact with chemical products such as cosmetics

There are people who love beauty, especially for women. Nowadays, all kinds of different functions of cosmetics are selling very hot. A lot of women will not go out without makeup now.Most of the ingredients in cosmetics are chemically synthesized. Although some manufacturers say that they are pure natural and non -stimulating, they are just under the guise of naturally and want to sell high prices.

Human skin can not only be used as the first barrier to protect human beings, but also absorb nutrients and auxiliary breathing. Long -term use of cosmetics, the chemical elements inside will be absorbed by the skin and deposit in the body. Some of them can use the placenta through the placenta.The barrier causes the fetal deformity.Therefore, before and after pregnancy, pregnant women should not use cosmetics, tolerate for a few months, and wait for the child to be born.

2. Far -lyric radiation

Today, mobile phones and computers are closely related to our lives. People are more and more dependent on electronic products. Although they bring people a lot of convenience and happiness, they are also subtle and harmful to humans.There are network dependence and some radiation.After pregnancy, the resistance of pregnant women has weakened. These radiation can have a lot of impact on pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women can usually put some green plants at home or workplace, or wear clothes that can prevent radiation.Avoid radiation from causing malformations of the fetus.

3. Pregnancy test on time

Regular pregnancy tests can detect the problems of the fetus early and evaluate the child’s health, so as to guide the next behavior.Fetal malformations can generally be found through color Doppler ultrasound and CT, which is very meaningful for eugenics for pregnancy.

Born a malformed child, regardless of the huge crackdown on the family and the society, it will also cause a burden on the society. Therefore, we must actively take a pregnancy test to avoid various hazardous risk factors and achieve eugenics.

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