A good doctor around you │ gave birth to a child to drop a teeth?Does pregnancy affect the health of the periodontal period?

With the introduction of the three -child policy, women are facing multiple pregnancy. The changes in female hormone levels during pregnancy have a close relationship with periodontal health. Therefore, women’s periodontal health should receive widespread attention from everyone.

A few days ago, a 28 -year -old female patient came to the clinic accompanied by her mother. In recent years, she had bleed gums when brushing her teeth in recent years, but in the past month, she has suddenly increased, and she is very scared.After the doctor’s oral examination, the doctor asked if it might be pregnant. The mother and daughter were not sure. After going to the Women’s and Infant Hospital for examination, they called the doctor who was admitted to the doctor to check that she was pregnant.The aggravation of the bleeding gums of the female patient is related to the increase in women’s hormones during pregnancy.During pregnancy, due to the rise in female hormones, the original gum inflammation in the mouth increases, the capillaries in the gums are dilated and congested, and the permeability increases, which will cause gums to increase the blood.Gingling inflammation can also cause swelling and hyperplasia of the gums, and severe changes in gingival tumor -like changes. Large gingival tumors will affect the normal eating of pregnant women.

How should gingivitis be prevented and treated during pregnancy?

First of all, healthy people should have oral cleaning every six months to one year to clean up tooth stone and plaque microorganisms.Bleeding gums is an important clinical manifestation of gum inflammation. Do not think that it can supplement vitamins or use some toothpaste that treats gum bleeding. You must go to the dentist for examination and treatment.

Secondly, women with severe periodontitis produce premature birth and low -birth weight risk increased by 7.5 times. Therefore, young women who prepare for pregnancy are best to go to professional dental hospitals to check whether they have gingivitis, periodontitis, and pregnancy.Previously, it is best to control the inflammation of the periodontal tissue tissue through professional periodontal treatment and periodontal basal treatment.

Third, you should also pay attention to oral hygiene care during pregnancy to prevent gingivitis during pregnancy.If you accidentally suffer from gingivitis and gingiva during pregnancy, don’t be afraid, you should insist on your daily care every day.When the pregnancy period is 4-6 months, you can go to a professional dental medical institution to remove local stimulus factors, such as plaque, dental stones, and bad repair bodies to avoid premature birth.

Gingivitis during pregnancy is related to the elevation of female hormones during pregnancy. Therefore, two months after childbirth, gingivitis can be reduced to pre -pregnancy level.However, in China, there is a custom of "confinement" after pregnancy. Many mothers do not brush their teeth for a month, which will increase the original gingival inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended that the mother brushes her teeth with soft hair to teeth during the "confinement" and rinsing her mouth warm water.Although gingivitis during pregnancy is related to the rise in female hormones during pregnancy, pregnancy is not the direct cause of onset, and the plaque in the mouth is the culprit.Therefore, timely treatment of the original chronic inflammation before pregnancy, the strict control of plaque during the entire pregnancy period can greatly reduce the occurrence of gingivitis during pregnancy.The plaque control during the "confinement" is also one of the necessary means of women’s periodontal health.

Director Wang Wei physician Shenyang Stomatology Hospital Sanior Clinic.Member of the Chinese Stomatology Society, a member of the Liaoning Provincial Stomatology Society, a member of the Liaoning Provincial Stomatological Society of Stomatology, has been studied at the dental week of dental hospital at Peking University.He has been engaged in internal medicine for more than 20 years, and is good at diagnosis and treatment of dental pulp disease, periodontal disease and oral mucosal disease.Carry out micro -root pipe treatment, CAD/CAM porcelain embedded wrap repair.Heat -up public welfare career, many times to Liaoning TV station "Northern Famous Doctors" and "Health Experts" and other programs for oral disease health publicity and education, and participated in the free consultation activities organized by the unit.Won the title of "Science Elite" in the first "Oral Health Science Popularization Speech Contest" in the first "Oral Health Science Popular Science Work Contest" in Shenyang City.

(Editor Ma Jing)

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